
Success is waking up feeling alive

(even when you hate your alarm clock)

Are you a high-achiever who overthinks everything?

I was. I used to be obsessed with time and being productive.

A classic overachiever.

Until I saw that all that pressure was sucking the life out of me.

Now I simply do what I love.

Despite a widely held cultural belief, we do MUCH better when we are not stressed, worried and putting pressure on ourselves.

Most people spend more time THINKING about their lives than LIVING them.

Overthinking leads to frustration, worry, stress, anxiety, depression and health problems.

An overworked mind drains the joy out of your life.

Stress is more lethal than a bad diet.

We are bombarded with personal development advice and clichés. When you struggle daily with your own thinking, often that advice simply gives you more to think about and takes you further and further away from what is real.

Contemplate this this:

You have had experiences where you have felt alive AND been productive without stress.

Like an artist or professional sports player in a show or competition.

All you need to do is get back to that state of flow.

And be able to connect to that state of flow regularly.

THAT is who you really are.

You are NOT what you think of yourself (your ego).

Nor are you what you have been told by the people around you, nor your mental health or health diagnosis’.

Most coaching and psychological interventions will help you to strengthen your sense of self, your ego. I help you to hang out in the space where you are NOT analysing yourself, and actually living.

Through reconnect coaching, I help you to get your spark and spontaneity back AND to create whatever you want to create in the world, in a state of flow.

As a result, you also finally take responsibility for your own healing from trauma and unhealthy conditioning, knowing that at an essential level you are not broken at all.

You become clear on what is necessary for YOU in each moment, able to step away from old habits by accessing your natural state and being in tune with your body and wisdom.

Many people think you have to heal before you can live. No.

The whole of life is a healing process AND a mind-blowing adventure.

When you feel alive, you create your life fearlessly with an underlying peace and freedom in relation to outcomes.

Your life and relationships become much more natural and fulfilling.

Take the Mental Health Test

Your relationship with your mental health determines how well you feel.

This test is to discover what your current relationship with mental health is like.

It is NOT a mental health diagnosis nor a lifestyle analysis.

Take 2 minutes of your time to answer 10 simple multiple-choice questions.

Even answering these simple questions may shift something inside of you…

Ways you can Reconnect

1:1 Reconnect Coaching

In our 1:1 sessions, the burden that you have been carrying around falls away. You become clear on what you want (not random impulsive desires but what you truly want) and how to get it, and I set you challenges to make sure that you do.  Drawing from the teachings of Scottish mystic Sydney Banks, Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra, my own life experiences, and work as a professional coach since 2013, you learn how to access your natural state, a state of flow, whenever you want to. And to heal whatever is holding you back.

Reconnect Companies

Stress and demotivation can cripple workplace performance, with a 1/4 of employees globally reporting burnout. While traditional methods offer temporary solutions, our training dives deeper. We focus on understanding how the mind-body really works, empowering leaders and teams to tap into their innate clarity and resilience, ensuring peak performance even in challenging times.

Reconnect Weekends

99% of retreats are additive. They give you lots of things you MUST DO in order to be OK. Reconnect Weekends are subtractive, designed to take away all of your excess noise and effort, so that you feel fully alive and have clarity about the direction to move in. They are luxury weekends in gorgeous places, where overachievers who are fed up of putting pressure on themselves get familiar with their natural state of flow and fulfillment. Through relaxed, guided conversations and exercises we explore what this natural state is, so that you can access it whenever you want to in your life and work.

Free Yourself from Overthinking and Embrace a Fulfilling Life on our Reconnect Weekends

If you are constantly stressed, anxious or depressed, you may be on the verge of burnout.

Over half of entrepreneurs and business founders face burnout, and a quarter of employees.

The business founders we work with put so much pressure on themselves that some of them even accept burnout as the inevitable.

But burning out can take you out of the game for a long time. Not to mention the effects on your health and relationships.

When you are stressed and uptight you function on constant fight or flight and we are not designed to do that. You cannot be at your best in that state.

Imagine how much better you could run your business or do your job if you lived and worked in a state of flow.

But more importantly, imagine how much more alive, fulfilled and energetic you would feel.

At our Reconnect Weekends, we help business founders and leaders to slow down to the speed of life in order to be at their best in the world.

We DON’T do this by waking up at 6am to do yoga and fast.

We do this by destroying the misunderstandings about the nature of life that are putting so much strain on them.

Through relaxed explorations and exercises, you are taken back to what is real.

Oh, and we do this in GORGEOUS locations, where you get a whole room to yourself ;). 


Everything you need to know about your communicational level

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