
1:1 Reconnect Coaching

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Coaching to Reconnect

In my 1:1 sessions and intensives (online and in person), we explore the nature of your human experience and destroy the misunderstandings that are holding you back.

These explorations not only reignite your spark and bring you peace and freedom.

They bring you insight into what you most want in your life (not random impulsive desires but what you truly want) and how to get it.

I set you challenges related to what you most want to make sure you get it.

The burden that you have been carrying around falls away, and you learn how to access your natural state, a state of flow, whenever you want to.

You also finally take charge of your own healing in a way that feels natural and allows you to feel fully alive.

In just 3-4 sessions you will have had life-shifting insights that send you in a direction that is totally aligned to who you really are.

1 to 1 abajo

Our explorations are based on the insights and teachings of:

Benefits of Reconnect Coaching


What they said about me

“Emma is a remarkable coach. Her ability to connect, listen, understand and help you have a shift in perception is world class.Having been coached by her, and then attended two of her retreats, I can highly recommend her services.She really helped me through a challenging period in my life, and taught me how let go of ‘thinking’ that was creating so many of my problems. I was then able to come through this time and my business and relationships have never been better.I’ve since recommended friends and family to her who want to get more from their lives. There are many coaches out there, but there is only one Emma.”
Marcus Hemsley
Co-founder, Fountain Partnership
"I love coaching sessions with Emma! She is very knowledgable and she makes me feel safe, heard, understood, and empowered every single time we meet. She is the full embodiment of the work she does! I love that we can talk about both my professional and life goals, and that I always receive the support I need. During every session, Emma helps me to connect with my inner strength and wisdom. It inspires me to keep going toward my personal and professional goals in a stress free manner. Emma taught me about the importance of the present moment and the power of the mind. Now, I utilise this knowledge in my own life. As a result, I feel less stressed, more connected to people around me, as well as more hopeful about the future ahead. If you are considering to work with Emma, I highly recommend her as an outstanding, very professional, and genuinely caring about people Life Coach!"
Anastasia Kaminskaia
Holistic Mental Health & Wellness Coach
Professional, sensitive and profound. Emma helped me in one of the most important moments of my life, helping me realize a toxic relationship I was having. Thanks!
Juanjo Quesada
Business Founder
“I felt lost. I was going through a confusing time, disorientated by certain circumstances. I met Emma by coincidence and I decided to do a coaching programme with her.Through her coaching, my perception of reality changed. I realised that so many things that I considered to be important weren’t, and I learnt to live my life more authentically and spontaneously. I realised that what’s important is to listen to your heart rather than to your head. I started a new vital path of mental and spiritual clarity that makes everything feel brighter and coherent decisions far easier to make.”
Rafa Castillo
Painter & Accountant
“Through Emma’s coaching, I’ve discovered so many things. I’ve found my inner wisdom that I didn’t know was there. It’s now infinitely easier for me to balance my emotions, to stop my mental noise and to have a more loving and peaceful relationship with my son, and a deeper connection with my friends, family and clients. I’ve discovered that compassion is nothing more than understanding, without effort and contradictions. I relate differently to the unease that some of my thoughts produce and I’ve discovered how to really feel alive without resistance to what is. I allow myself to feel and I don’t take my fearful thoughts too seriously. I can now see how human suffering – my own and others’ – comes from an excessive desire to control the uncontrollable. Thank you for accompanying me towards experiencing this understanding of the mind and the human experience. I am now happy and excited to be sharing this understanding myself with others and seeing its impact on them and the results in their lives.”
Amalia Hidalgo
Stylist, Madrid
“A while ago I felt really confused and down. I’d gone back home after living in Madrid, and I didn’t feel right.I felt overwhelmed by work, and I blamed other people for my stressful feelings. I decided to work with a coach – with the marvellous Emma (I recommend her 100%). She helped me to realise how distorted my view of reality was and thanks to her coaching I got my feet on the ground again – in the present. This path led me to quitting the job I no longer wanted to do, and starting my own business helping families to have healthier lifestyles."
Begoña Roviro
Entrepreneur, Madrid
"Emma is a fantastic coach who is very skilled at helping me feeling relaxed to share my inner most problems. I also feel very heard by Emma. She is great at creating a space to help me see more and to find new thinking from wisdom. I would highly recommend Emma as a coach."
Peter Sleigh
"I would like to share with you some of the best things about Emma. I have been working in the construction and real estate industry in Japan for about 25 years and currently teach Japanese history and other studies to children as a side job. After I started working as a self-employed business owner, I got to know Emma by a friend of mine. Amongst other private business owners, I heard the joke, "I wish I had a boss to watch over me". Emma is exactly what I needed for a "Services that promote awareness like a boss". I put my thoughts into words so that Emma can hear my issues, and she asks the right questions and helps me organize my thoughts. This is the how Emma’s coaching works. Its approach is not to give some idea as the correct answer, but to help the person become aware of some key factor. Emma has helped me enormously in expanding my professional possibilities. In addition, I have started to imitate Emma’s coaching style when I teach children to study and write. I find this to be a very good way to interact. One more thing, the variety of topics Emma offers, and her willingness to break down mental barriers that you tend to create without knowing it are very inspiring. I am not an advanced English speaker, but with Emma I speak very plain language, so I didn't feel any inconvenience regarding English. For these reasons, Emma has had a profound impact on my life. I am very grateful for this fortunate meeting."
Tomoko Chubachi
"I strongly recommend Emma as a coach. She combines intuition, expertise, knowledge, special hability for listening, all well glued together with an open mind. The result is Emma, a wise and reliable coach that shows us the way we already knew but forgot just tapping us on our shoulder. Overthinking has been my big discovery. Emma made me see the difference between reality and thoughts which is quieting my mind and giving me relaxation. In the sessions with Emma, I feel listened by her soul not only by her rational knowledge. For all that and much more I am deeply grateful. Thank you, Emma."
Rosario Chacón
"Hello, I am José Rijo, I was in coaching sessions with the wonderful coach Emma, and I share that my experience with Emma was wonderful. Emma has the ability not only to facilitate and accompany you in your change process, but if her approach is from the heart and authentic, even outside of the sessions, I really felt that she was interested in me as a person more than a client, I value that very much and today even in moments of stagnation doubts, your words and questions come to me that give me focus and clarity....highly recommend doing coaching sessions with the magnificent Emma, professionalism and a good heart...thank you Emma for all the magic of the encounter!!!"
José Rijo
Human Resources Manager
“¿Cómo estás hoy? Una pregunta sencilla, pero de gran intención, una pregunta con la que durante tres meses hemos dado inicio a cada una de nuestras conversaciones. Acostumbrado quizás a dar una respuesta rápida y banal, no me había fijado en lo mucho que en su interior esconde. Pararme, respirar y empezar a escuchar, simplemente hay días en los que no encontraba respuesta. Preguntas incómodas como preludio de un lento aprendizaje que poco a poco ha ido revelando la sabiduría del cuerpo. Tensión, ligereza, dolor, vibración, todo ello compuesto de la misma materia. He podido sentir como en un remanso de calma las huidizas emociones afloran de forma gradual, como si del interior de la tierra brotasen, y es ahí donde he visto residir el conocimiento del ahora. He aprendido que hay una energía que llevamos cada uno dentro y nos conecta al resto de este universo, que la respuesta está en uno mismo y que la presencia es algo que se debe trabajar a cada instante de esta vida. Agradecerte Emma por tu paciencia y escucha, pero sobre todo por esas increíblemente sinceras preguntas incómodas que me han hecho volver a conectar.”
Account Manager, Barcelona
“I didn’t notice what is important in my life and Emma’s coaching let me notice it naturally. I could change the way of my thoughts. It was an amazing experience. English is my second language, but she always was a good listener. I felt relaxed while talking to her. I strongly recommend you to get her coaching."
Max Nakano
Director, Tokyo